La próxima #conferenciaMBCM tendrá lugar el viernes, 12 de marzo, a las 10:00 h y será impartida por la Dra. Kristine Freude (University of Copenhagen, Dinamarca). El título de la misma es: Advanced stem cell models to understand neurogenerative diseases. La Dra. Freude ha sido invitada por nuestro compañero, el investigador David Baglietto (Dpto. Biología Celular, Genética y Fisiología), quien se encargará de la presentación.
Debido a la situación de emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19, la conferencia tendrá lugar online a través de la plataforma Google Meet. Podréis acceder mediante el siguiente enlace: https://meet.google.com/iqu-qvoh-axp
Adjuntamos algunas publicaciones recientes de la Dra. Freude:
Microglia-Secreted Factors Enhance Dopaminergic Differentiation of Tissue- and iPSC-Derived Human Neural Stem Cells. Schmidt SI, Bogetofte H, Ritter L, Agergaard JB, Hammerich D, Kabiljagic AA, Wlodarczyk A, Lopez SG, Sørensen MD, Jørgensen ML, Okarmus J, Serrano AM, Kristensen BW, Freude K, Owens T, Meyer M. Stem Cell Reports. 2021 Feb 9;16(2):281-294.
Generation of neural progenitor cells from porcine-induced pluripotent stem cells.Machado LS, Pieri NCG, Botigelli RC, de Castro RVG, de Souza AF, Bridi A, Lima MA, Fantinato Neto P, Pessôa LVF, Martins SMMK, De Andrade AFC, Freude KK, Bressan FF.J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2020 Dec;14(12):1880-1891.
Glutamate-glutamine homeostasis is perturbed in neurons and astrocytes derived from patient iPSC models of frontotemporal dementia.Aldana BI, Zhang Y, Jensen P, Chandrasekaran A, Christensen SK, Nielsen TT, Nielsen JE, Hyttel P, Larsen MR, Waagepetersen HS, Freude KK. Mol Brain. 2020 Sep 14;13(1):125.
Induced pluripotent stem cells throughout the animal kingdom: Availability and applications.Pessôa LVF, Bressan FF, Freude KK. World J Stem Cells. 2019 Aug 26;11(8):491-505.
Modelling the neuropathology of lysosomal storage disorders through disease-specific human induced pluripotent stem cells. Kobolák J, Molnár K, Varga E, Bock I, Jezsó B, Téglási A, Zhou S, Lo Giudice M, Hoogeveen-Westerveld M, Pijnappel WP, Phanthong P, Varga N, Kitiyanant N, Freude K, Nakanishi H, László L, Hyttel P, Dinnyés A. Exp Cell Res. 2019 Jul 15;380(2):216-233
Generation of two isogenic iPSC lines with either a heterozygous or a homozygous E280A mutation in the PSEN1 gene. Frederiksen HR, Holst B, Mau-Holzmann UA, Freude K, Schmid B. Stem Cell Res. 2019 Mar;35:101403
Generation of two iPSC lines with either a heterozygous V717I or a heterozygous KM670/671NL mutation in the APP gene. Frederiksen HR, Holst B, Ramakrishna S, Muddashetty R, Schmid B, Freude K. Stem Cell Res. 2019 Jan;34:101368