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The MCMB is organised in MODULES:

Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology* 5
Experimental techniques** 6/15
Specialisation 25/34
Master's thesis 15


**Students will choose at least 2 subjects of this module

Module Progress in Cellular and Molecular Biology (5 ECTS)

Tentative calendar of meetings for the 24-25 academic year: Calendar_24-25_V1.2

Module Experimental Techniques (6/15 ECTS)

To pass this module it will be necessary to take and pass at least two subjects (6 ECTS)  to be chosen from the following:

Experimental techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology (I) (3 ECTS)

  • Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence
  • Confocal microscopy and electron microscopy

Experimental techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology (II) (3 ECTS)

  • Culture and conservation of bacteria
  • Observation, cultivation and conservation of mushrooms
  • Quantification of bacteriophages and animal viruses

Experimental techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology (III) (3 ECTS)

  • Isolation and purification of nucleic acids
  • Molecular cloning and production and purification of recombinant proteins
  • Protein electrophoresis, WB

Experimental techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology (IV) (3 ECTS)

  • R and markdown fundamentals
  • Biological databases
  • Data management

Experimental techniques in Cellular and Molecular Biology (V) (3 ECTS)

  • Cell culture and flow cytometry
  • Experimental embryology
  • Analysis of gene expression during development

Specialisation Module (25/34 ECTS)

To pass this module it will be necessary to take and pass a certain number of compulsory and optional subjects of the MCMB (the detailed content of these can be found here):

(SEM1= 1st semester, SEM2 =2nd semester. (Click on each subject to download the corresponding Teaching Guide.)

To obtain a specialisation, you must have taken 1 compulsory subject and at least 4 optional subjects, distributed according to the following table of specialisations:

COMPULSORY Cellular Biology (5 ECTS)
OPTIONAL (choose at least 4) Developmental biology Development of the nervous system Cellular neurobiology Neurobiology of memory Vertebrate Organogenesis
COMPULSORY Molecular Biology (5 ECTS)
OPTIONAL (choose at least 4) Molecular biology and plant biotechnology Molecular pharmacology Structural and functional genomics Recombinant DNA technology Signal transduction
COMPULSORY Cellular, molecular and structural microbiology (5 ECTS)
OPTIONAL (choose at least 4) Microbiological diagnosis and new antimicrobials Microbiomes and microbial interactions Microbial pathologies of cultured aquaculture species Plant microbial pathologies Immune response against pathogens

Module Master's thesis (TFM) (15 ECTS)

It consists of an original research project (15 ECTS). The guidelines for carrying out this work are specified in the Guide for the preparation of the TFM 24-25, in the  TFM Regulations of the Faculty of Sciences and in the TFM Teaching Guide (TFM Teaching Guide 2016 plan). If the student does not complete this TFM, he/she will not obtain the Official Master’s Degree, although by completing 60 credits among those offered, he/she will be able to access the PhD research period.

Students must sign an agreement document between student and tutor (master’s lecturer) which must be sent to the master’s coordinator. Subject to justification before the master’s academic committee and authorisation by the latter, there may be a co-supervision by an additional person (UMA staff or external lecturer), who must meet the requirements demanded by the UMA and the master’s degree.

Here you can find the offer of Master’s thesis for the 24-25 academic year: TFM Offer 24-25

Composition of the examining boards for the academic year 2024-25: In the meeting of the academic commission of the Master “Cellular and Molecular Biology” of the UMA, it was agreed on the participation of the professors who will compose the examining board that will evaluate the defences of the Master’s thesis during the academic year 2024-25. Ordered list of teaching staff to form the examination boards: List_24-25. These panels are composed of the professors shown below:

Examining Board 1

President: Antonia Gutiérrez Pérez (Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics and Physiology)

Chairperson: Alejandro Labella Vera (Department of Microbiology)

Secretary: Melissa García Caballero (Department of Moclecular Biology and Biochemistry)

Examining Board 2

President: Francisco Manuel Cazorla López (Department of Microbiology)

Chairperson: María Belén Pascual Moreno (Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)

Secretary: Laura Isabel Trujillo Estrada (Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics and Physiology)

Examining Board 3

President: Enrique Viguera Mínguez (Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics and Physiology)

Chairperson: Elisabet Sánchez Mejías (Department of Cellular Biology, Genetics and Physiology)

Secretary: Víctor José Carrión Bravo (Department of Microbiology)

Alternate board members

Adrián Ruiz Villalba (Department of Animal Biology)

Francisco Javier Ruiz Cantón (Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry)

María Esther García Rosado (Department of Microbiology)

The TFM research project must be supervised by a tutor and fall within one of the 20 lines of research associated with the master’s degree:

  1. Molecular bases of cellular processes
  2. Integrative bioinformatics of biological processes
  3. Molecular biology and biotechnology of plant metabolism
  4. Biology and control of phytopathogenic bacteria and fungi
  5. Structural and functional characterization of proteins.
  6. Brain aging and neurodegenerative diseases
  7. Evolution and embryonic development
  8. Functional genomics
  9. Microorganism-host interaction
  10. Microorganism-microorganism interaction
  11. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of embryonic development and cardiovascular disease
  12. Neuronal signaling mechanisms
  13. Molecular mechanisms of drug action
  14. Beneficial microorganisms and biocontrol of microbial diseases
  15. Neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation
  16. Pathogens of aquaculture species
  17. Prophylaxis and control of viral pathogens
  18. Cellular reprogramming (iPSCs) and cellular models of disease
  19. Cell signaling
  20. Vasculogenesis, angiogenesis and hematopoiesis

The MCMB lecturers associated with each of the research lines 1-20 are listed below. Please note that these lines correspond to the general descriptors of the TFM subject as indicated in the MCMB Teaching Plan. For more specific information on the research projects carried out by each tutor, please visit the Lecturers page and consult the detailed information linked there.

Alonso Sánchez, María del Carmen Microbiology 9,16,17
Arrebola Díez, Eva Microbiology 4,14
Ávila Sáez, Concepción Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 3,8,
Baglietto Vargas, David Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,15,18
Balebona Accino, María del Carmen Microbiology 9,10,14,16
Borrego García, Juan José Microbiology 9,10,16,17
Cañas Pendón, Rafael Antonio Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 3,5,8
Carrión Bravo, Víctor José Microbiology 2,4,8,9,10,14
Castro López, María Dolores Microbiology 9,16,17
Castro Rodríguez, Vanessa Viviana Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 3,5,8
Cazorla López, Francisco Manuel Microbiology 4,9,10,14
Claros Díaz, Manuel Gonzalo Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 2,8
Fernández Ortuño, María Dolores Microbiology 4,8,9
García Caballero, Melissa Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 13,20
García León, Juan Antonio Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,15,18
García Rosado, María Esther Microbiology 9,16,17
González Domenech, Carmen María Microbiology 9,17
González Muñoz, María Elena Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 18
Guadix Domínguez, Juan Antonio Animal Biology 11,13,18,20
Gutiérrez Barranquero, Juan Antonio Microbiology 4,9,10,14
Gutiérrez Pérez, Antonia Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,12,15,18
Jiménez Guardeño, José Manuel Microbiology 9,17
Labella Vera, Alejandro Microbiology 16,17
Lozano Castro, José Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 5,19
Martínez Poveda, Beatriz Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 13,20
Medina Torres, Miguel Ángel Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 1,2,13,20
Molina Santiago, Carlos Alberto Microbiology 9,10
Moreno González, Inés Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,15
Moriñigo Gutiérrez, Miguel Ángel Microbiology 9,10,14,16
Navas Delgado, Ismael Languages and Computer Sciences 2
Pascual Anaya, Juan Animal Biology 2,7,8,11,20
Pascual Moreno, María Belén Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 3,5
Pérez García, Alejandro Microbiology 4,8,9
Pérez Pomares, José María Animal Biology 7,11
Real Avilés, María Ángeles Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 12
Rivera Ramírez, Alicia Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,12
Romero Hinojosa, Diego Francisco Microbiology 4,9,10,14
Ruiz Cantón, Francisco Javier Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 3,5
Ruiz Villalba, Adrián Animal Biology 11,13,20
Sánchez Mejías, Elisabet Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,15
Tapia Paniagua, Silvana Microbiology 9,10,14,16
de la Torre Fazio, Fernando Nicolás Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 3,5
Trujillo Estrada, Laura Isabel Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 6,15
de Vicente Moreno, Antonio Microbiology 4,14
Viguera Mínguez, Enrique Cell Biology, Genetics and Physiology 1,2