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The specialization in Molecular Biology will allow specialized training in structure, synthesis mechanisms and regulation of biological macromolecules that allows understanding how technological development in Molecular Biology provides very useful tools for the generation of information and the study of biological processes. The objectives of this specialization are:

– That students can face the challenge of how to identify, isolate, multiply and characterize at a molecular and functional level the genes that define the complexity of a prokaryotic or eukaryotic organism.

– That students can apply the methods and technologies of Molecular Biology to the production and characterization of proteins, the generation of transgenic plants and animals and new genomic technologies.


Subject Type Semester Credits
Molecular Biology Compulsory specialty 1 5
Molecular biology and plant biotechnology Optional 1 3
Molecular pharmacology Optional 2 3
Structural and functional genomics Optional 2 3
Recombinant DNA technology Optional 1 3
Signal transduction Optional 1 3

To obtain the specialty you must choose at least 4 of the 5 elective subjects.